Beautiful & hand-crafted custom landing page for your marketplace

Define the layout of your landing page from a set of building blocks. These ready-made sections are the result of combining the best practices of the the most successful online marketplaces. The resulting landing pages look fantastic.

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Why should I have
a custom landing page?

Your landing page is the first thing your users see. Use it to quickly communicate your main value proposition to your audience, explain how your site works, and entice users to sign up.

Follows best practices

We have combined the best practices from dozens of marketplace landing pages to build a template with the most effective elements.

Integrated design

The design of your landing page matches the design of your marketplace and shares the same header.

Mobile support

The landing page works perfectly on mobile browsers.


Everything—the landing page, the marketplace —is hosted by Sharetribe. No need to worry about installation, maintenance, software updates, or monitoring.

SEO friendly

Your landing page and marketplace will live on the same domain, giving you a boost in Google visibility. You will be able to define the most important meta tags.

You own the code

Just like with the rest of the Sharetribe Go codebase, you can take the landing page's code with you if you ever wish to move away from Sharetribe Go hosting.

Session sharing

Your users can see whether they are logged in or not on your landing page.

Integrated analytics

Track your landing page traffic with Google Analytics.


Build and make changes to the content of your page anytime directly from your Admin panel at no extra charge.

Three Go marketplace custom landing pages in a slanted ascending order from left to right.

What will my landing page look like in practice?

These three beautiful examples show what your page could look like.

› Example 1: GardenZen› Example 2: MadHatterz› Example 3: Bikerrrs

What are my customization options?

In order to be able to provide these landing pages for such a low price, there are certain limits to customization. You will be able to choose from a selection of sections, decide what order they should be in, and what their text, photo and screenshot content should be.
Changes can be made anytime via the Editor for no additional cost. You will not be able to alter the layout inside these sections. For now, the landing page support only one language.
GardenZen marketplace's hero section.


The hero is the large, visual section at the top of the page. It includes a slogan, a description, the main Call to Action (such as Search or Sign up) and a background image. The hero is designed to be the first section.

One custom paragraph in Bikerrrs marketplace hero section.

Info one column: custom paragraph

Info one column section consists of a paragraph and a title. Optionally, you can have a Call to Action button and a background image.
GardenZen marketplace's info section with two paragraphs.

Info two columns: two paragraphs

Two side by side paragraphs with titles. Ideal for explaining the benefits for the two sides of your marketplace. Each paragraph can be accompanied by an optional icon from a library of hundreds of icons. Each paragraph can also have its own Call to Action button.
GardenZen marketplace's info section with three paragraphs.

Info three columns: three paragraphs

Three side by side paragraphs with titles. Ideal for explaining how your marketplace works, or some of its benefits. Each paragraph can be accompanied by an optional icon from a library of hundreds of icons. Each paragraph can also have its own Call to Action button.

Featured categories in GardenZen marketplace custom landing page.

Featured categories

A great visual way to show categories or locations from your marketplace. Choose between 3 and 7 categories to be featured on the page, along with accompanying images. The images can be linked to any web address, so you can also use them to advertise a blog, a forum, or other pages.
Example of featured listings on a Sharetribe Go marketplace custom landing page.

Featured listings

Choose 3 quality listings that you would like to highlight. This is a great way to showcase the best providers on your marketplace.

Example of using video on a Go marketplace custom landing page.


A video is a great way to quickly explain your concept. Host your video on YouTube and embed it here.
GardenZen marketplace landing page footer section.


The footer is a good place for additional links. You can add links with icons for social media channels and text links for everything else. You can have any number of links in the footer. The footer is designed to be the last section.

How much does it cost?

The landing page costs $99 per month. The monthly fee includes the access to the Editor, hosting and maintenance. You can cancel at the end of each paid period.

How can I order?

You can order by clicking the link "Order now for $99 per month" below or from the "Subscription" tab in your Admin panel.

When will I be able to build my landing page?

Immediately! A few seconds after your subscription has been confirmed, the Editor will be available in the "Landing page" tab of your Admin panel, and you will be able to get started!

Order now for $99 per month

GardenZen marketplace landing page in mobile.