Become a Flex Expert Partner

Design and develop custom marketplaces for founders around the world.

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Examples of Sharetribe powered marketplaces.

Reach new marketplace leads. Deliver for them faster.

Grow your business by helping marketplace founders reach their goals with Sharetribe Flex.

Build more marketplaces

Hundreds of aspiring marketplace founders create a Flex account every month. Many seek experienced help to design or develop their platform. As an Expert Partner, you will receive leads through the Expert Directory.

Deliver quality, fast

Don't waste time building the basics. Flex's powerful marketplace essentials let you focus on what makes each project unique. Delight your customers by launching their marketplace for 20% of the time and cost they expect.

Become a marketplace expert

Every Flex Expert Partner receives free technical and sales training to create optimal solutions for marketplace founders. You'll be uniquely positioned to serve a growing audience of marketplace founders.

Enjoy development

Marketplace templates, transaction engine, event architecture, integration APIs. A modern tech stack and powerful developer tooling. Documentation, expert support, and a growing developer community. All there to make developing with Flex a joy at every step.

› Learn more about what Flex offers for developers

Examples of Sharetribe powered marketplaces.

Five steps to become a Flex Expert Partner

Examples of Sharetribe powered marketplaces.

1. Intro call

Let's get to know each other and determine if we're a match.

2. Technical training

You'll learn how to develop with Flex and how its most powerful features work in practice.

3. Sales training

You'll learn how to understand the requirements of marketplace founders and how to create the optimal proposal for them.

4. Get listed in the Expert directory

You're now officially a Flex Expert Partner. Congratulations! You can communicate your expert status in your own website and create your profile in the Expert Directory.

5. Become a Verified Expert

Once you've completed your first client project with Flex, your status is updated to a Verified Expert. Verified Experts receive direct introductions to potential customers.

Join the Flex Expert Partner Network

  • Build marketplaces fast
  • Receive free training
  • Enjoy development
Apply to become a Flex Expert Partner