Marketplace software for developers

Sharetribe Flex is a headless marketplace solution that makes marketplace development fast and enjoyable.

Why develop with Flex

Once you've tried Flex,
you will never want to build a marketplace from scratch again.

Build marketplaces fast

With Flex, building a custom marketplace takes a fraction of the time required to build it from scratch.

Focus on what is unique

Don't waste time building yet another signup process, search engine, or admin panel. Focus on the unique requirements of your customers.

Enjoy development

Beautiful templates, event architecture, integration APIs, powerful developer tooling and extensive documentation make building with Flex a breeze.

Want to become a Flex Expert Partner?

Help founders build custom marketplaces powered by Sharetribe Flex.

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Old-fashioned phone in bright orange color with coil cord and rotary dial.

How developing with Flex works

Build an online marketplace the way they should be built.

Examples of Sharetribe powered marketplaces.

Leverage the benefits of headless software

Don't worry about building your own APIs, workers or search indexes, or fret over infrastructure and maintenance. You can focus on creating a unique design and workflow. Get started with one of Flex Templates for Web, or build your own custom user interface with the tech stack of your choice.

Design your own data schema

With Flex Extended Data, you can store any type of structured data on your users, listings, and transactions. Have multiple types of users, let them offer any types of products or services, and make it easy for the users to search and filter based on your custom data schema.

Create complex transaction processes

Flex's transaction engine lets you design a fully unique transaction process. Complete with payments, calendar booking, stock and shipping management, complex pricing logic, reviews, email notifications, and more. Using it feels almost like drawing a flowchart and getting back an API based on your drawing. The transaction process definition is versioned, so you can run multiple processes and process versions at the same time.

Extend indefinitely

Flex Integration API, event architecture and Single Sign-On capability make it easy for you to connect to any third party software or plug in your custom backend. There's no limit to how much you can extend your platform. No matter what feature you need, you can always build that on top of Flex.

Not a developer? No worries!

Find an experienced Flex developer from the Flex Expert Directory.

Visit Expert Directory

Old-fashioned phone in bright orange color with coil cord and rotary dial.

Everything you need to succeed

All the tooling, documentation, and support you need to enjoy development.

Customizable front-end templates

Flex's open-source React templates get you a fully functional marketplace up and running in minutes.

› View Flex Template for Web in GitHub
Well-documented APIs

The Flex APIs are powerful, intuitive, and well-documented, with plenty of code examples.

› View Flex API Reference
Intuitive SDK

The Flex Javascript SDK makes calling Flex APIs easy. It handles authentication, data serialization, and other groundwork.

› View Flex Javascript SDK in GitHub
Powerful command line interface

Configuring things like search schema and transaction process versions is effortless with the Flex CLI.

› View Flex CLI in GitHub
Beautiful design templates

Sketch, Figma & Adobe XD templates make building unique user interfaces enjoyable.

› Download Design files
Comprehensive docs and tutorials

Flex's open-source React templates get you a fully functional marketplace up and running in minutes.

› Browse Developer docs
Direct access to engineering support

If you have any questions, you can email us and get a response directly from the engineers who built Flex.

› Contact Flex engineering support
Global developer community

Join a global community of 1,000+ developers building marketplaces in a new way.

› Join Flex developer community in Slack

Start building your unique marketplace

  • Fully customizable front-end
  • Easily extendable feature set
  • Infinitely scalable architecture
Start developing for free